Women’s preliminary squad for world cup asia qualifier announced

National sports council (NSC) has announced a 38-women preliminary squad of Nepali women cricket team for the ICC Women’s World Cup Asian qualifiers scheduled to be held from October 9th to 15th in Hong Kong.

The 38 members were selected on the basis of their performance in Women National Cricket tournament, held at Kirtipur from Shrawan 8th to 11th. Earlier, district selection was held on Ashar 28th and the regional selection on Ashar 30th and 31st.

Full Squad: Rubina Chhetri, Santoshi Chaudhary, Sabnam Rai, Mamata Chaudhary,Rashmi Sharma, Kajol Shrestha, Kabita Gutam, Anisha Parajuli, Anuradha Chaudhary, Roma Thapa, Sangita Rai, Shobha Ale, Rachsns Aryal, Sita Shrestha, Shrada Wagle, Asmina Karmacharya, Roji Kadari, Arati Bidari, Rabina Bhandari, Indu Barma, Barsha Rana, Saraswati Pun, Laxmi Chaudhari, Neri Thapa, Mamata Thapa, Gita Gosai, Trishna Singh, Roshni Bohara, Kabita Joshi, Rekha Rawal, Karuna Bhandari, Ritu Kanaujiya, Sita Rana Magar, Sarita Magar, Sonu Khadka, Jyoti Pandey, Nira Rajopadhya and Binu Budhathoki.

This will be the first international tournament for Nepali women cricket team after the Ashar of  2014. Competing nations include China, Thailand, Nepal and the host Hong Kong. The tournament will be played on round robin format and winner will be qualified for the upcoming ICC Women Cricket World Cup.

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