UIC’s Inter College Super Cup starts 14 Feb

Ultimate Indoor Cricket(UIC) is set to host Indoor Inter College Super Cup from 14th February. The 16 team event will be held UIC’s Indoor Cricket court at Koteshowar. The six a side tournament is jointly organized by UIC and Panda events.

The 16 participating teams were divided into 4 groups of 4 teams each through a draw ceremony organized today at UIC premises. The league matches, which will be played till 18th February will be 12 over a side matches. Two top teams of each group will move to the quarter finals of event which will be 18 over a side.  All matches of the tournament are set to be streamed Live on Youtube through UIC’s Youtube channel.

Kaustav Pentagon Nova Triton
White House Himalaya College of Engineering Nagarjunna Institute of Medicine
Sudur Paschimancahal Academy Rajshree Jana College Samriddhi Silk Road
Cosmos Heartland Kathmandu College of Management Ascol

The tournament boasts cash prize of 1 lakh for the winners and cash prize of Rs.10,000 for player of the tournament and Rs. 5000 each for the best bowler and the best batsman.

The tournament is sponsored by Tatva Furnishing.

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